The purpose of this help article is to get started using the Crusoe Command Line Interface (CLI) on Windows OS. The CLI is useful in order to get started with terraform, manage your cloud resources from a local terminal, and helpful in troubleshooting to help set up Serial Console Access.
- Download and extract Windows Binary from GitHub: Release Crusoe Cloud v0.31.2 ยท crusoecloud/cli
- Note you can also use git bash on Windows to pull the repository natively through your terminal with 'git clone' : https://git-scm.com/downloads
Set Windows path to directory with crusoe.exe . For example,
# setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Path\To\crusoe_Windows_x86_
64" -
In new terminal session, verify path is set properly
# echo %PATH
# crusoe -h - Create Access Key and Secret Key from Security tab of Crusoe Cloud Console (console.crusoecloud.com)
Set up Crusoe CLI with newly created API Keys
# crusoe config set default_project <project_name>
# crusoe config set access_key_id <access_key_id>
# crusoe config set secret_key <secret_key>
Verify CLI Authentication with crusoe whoami
# crusoe whoami
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