What are the expectations on the resources that I'll be billed for?
Question 1. What are the on-demand billing prices?
Crusoe Cloud offers competitive on-demand pricing along with the ability to purchase longer-term reserved instance agreements in exchange for discounted pricing, by working with Crusoe Cloud sales.
Question 2. How are my VMs charged?
VMs are charged for the hour (or fraction of an hour, down to the second) that a machine is in the running state. This includes time that the VM is spent running Lifecycle Scripts on startup or shutdown.
Question 3. Are my VMs being charged when they're stopped?
Stopped VMs are not charged for on-demand usage, but you will still be billed for the 128GB OS Persistent disk until the VM is deleted.
Question 4. How are my disks charged?
Ephemeral disks are included in the VM pricing and will not incur additional costs.
Persistent (including OS disks) and Shared disks are billed regardless of whether or not they are attached to a running VM.
Persistent (including OS disks) and Shared disks will stop being billed once these disks are deleted.
Note: Make sure you migrate any data off of the persistent and shared disk before deleting.
Question 5. Are there any Ingress and Egress charges from the VMs?
Currently, we do not charge any Ingress or Egress charges to and from the VMs.
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